Saturday, September 24, 2011

A memory of all my forefathers - the question of lineage

Being my first post, I wish to remember the very reason why "I" exist. This question has always made me ponder and my queries have always been met with some answers by older people who unfortunately have left me today. This makes it extremely important for me as a person, and for all of my readers to do this, to know where the route of the past would take us. I have travelled quite some distance to know what I can find out about my own ancestory and my very own findings will be posted below. I have a personal faith that looking back into time will make us realize a lot of things, a whole era of a time where the comfort we define today would not have been of the least of importance yet people led their own lives with the very same happiness we have today (or even more). An exercise where we realize that a lot of positives we have in us owes its due to none other than our ancestors. On that note, I wish to remember my grand-mother for the persona that she was, the godess in my family. I quite didn't realize her loss when in my tenth standard, but over the years, I have the faith that all my positivity were derived from her. In this process, I want to let some of my readers (my relatives) to also know about this. A linear family tree of mine upto the highest hierarchy I know of is given below.